Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Name Game

After several logic-based campaigns of reason, and numerous emotion-laced sorties of persuasion, it would appear that the Naming dispute is near an end. Kotomi and I have agreed on several names for the Baby... ALL of which will be kept a secret until the big day arrives. The only thing we can tell you is this: A girl will have a Japanese First Name and English Middle Name. A boy will have an English First Name and a Japanese Middle Name. Mums and Dads-to-be, we found this site to be a refreshing alternative to paying 10 bucks for a book of baby names (can you believe I actually saw a book in the shop entitled 10,000 Names You SHOULDN'T Call Your Child ?) Anyhoo, the site is www.behindthename.com . There is even a 100 Names Ranking for B.C. as late as 2004.

1 comment:

sneakernerd said...

Are Chinese, Portuguese, or Arabic first or middle names being considered at all? I demand to know.