Saturday, January 14, 2006

Our Son

Good news, everyone! We are going to have a baby boy! The trip to the hospital yesterday was MORE than exciting; we found out that the forceful kicks coming from inside Kotomi's tummy are fueled by BOY POWER!! Kotomi and I are thrilled, and we figured since we finally know who is making their debut in May, we should share his name with all of you. After all, he is already a part of the family, isn't he? So, I am pleased to announce that the name of our son will be:

Maxwell Zen Pike

In honor of my late Grandmother's suggestion that our boy have an English first name and Japanese middle name, we thought long and hard over a good combination of simplicity, meaning, and style. Zen is not the Buddhist Zen, but rather a Japanese word meaning "good" or "virtuous". For the first name, we wanted something that was easily pronounceable by both sides of the family and in both accents. Max is a good name for our boy's younger years, while Maxwell, we feel, has a certain respectably cool factor to it for when he grows up. Please help us welcome wee Max as he nears the end / beginning of his big journey this May. In honor of my son, I present to you a series of significant "Maxes" below. If anyone has a good jpeg of Homer's MAX POWER, please send it to me and I will gladly post it. Stay tuned for more MAX News, and as the Japanese say, on behalf of my son, yoroshiku onegaishimasu.


Scott, Kotomi and Max

1 comment:

sneakernerd said...

FYI, Air Max 2006 is also known as Air Max 360!!!

Is it too late to go more Eastern European by naming him Maxim Zen Pike or Maxmillion Zen Pike?

PS check this out: